Saturday, June 20, 2009

On the Road Again

Here are the boys already to go.Our first stop for the evening was New Mexico. I was so excited to see a Cracker Barrel, I've always wanted to try one and haven't until this night. It was wonderful great prices, food and more than anyone could possibly eat in one setting. They also have a great store and I spotted this for a certain little miss, however g'pa said we had no room. Have I mentioned he stays home next time? I would have found room!
Then it was back to the room for a little swimming for the boys. They had a lot of bundled up energy to get rid of.
This is the next day, it occurred to me we hadn't gotten any outside pictures in New Mexico so here it is.
Next state - - Texas where everything is over sized! From the rest areas to the barns and cows, imagine my pleasant surprise as we crested a hill and saw this enormous cross! In true Texas fashion this is the largest cross in the western hemisphere. We decided to stop and have a look around.
There are ten stations that have at least one verse, then a statue to accompany the verse.

Kevin liked the fountain with a statue of Jesus.

It was a good day, the boys are getting tired of all the driving we are trying to stop more for photo ops.


Isa and Kai's mama said...

well finally an update!
Looks like fun.
What is projected ETA for Orlando?

Heather said...

We saw a video of the Texas statues at church one sunday. Pretty cool stuff.

lvsgma said...

now michael can say he's been there

lvsgma said...

we will be in orlando on the 24th in the afternoon sometime