Wednesday, June 17, 2009

They're Home

Heather just called and they are home. I already miss them, although I will admit I needed a break from Casey. He is a very busy boy, but a fun little guy. Peyton is just too cute. He is always busy and always on a mission. Here he is at the airport towing his suitcase, everyone who passed had to stop a take a look and comment on how cute he was.Here are both of the boys heading towards the tram.I decided to fill up the boys tummies before they got on the flight (and this kept them busy for a minute).

Here is Casey on the tram, he wouldn't look at the camera.

Peyton just loved being on the choo-choo train,

he would look at the camera.
Another way to keep them busy, teaching them to ride the moving sidewalk.

Peyton loved it he did master jumping off, it was hard to get on the darn thing though.
You two come back whenever you want, we miss you already!
We love you,
Granma and Granpa and
Uncles Kevin and Trevor

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