How well we remember the day you officially became a member of the family, and are thankful for how happy you make our daughter and grandchildren . . .
Remember this one? Target practice with you BIL all over Bin Laden. I'll never forget when you guys came back to the hotel room all smiles cuz you "got him".
Then of course there is your destructive side, you and Brian seemed to have enjoyed your time spent together tearing down your house (at least part of it).
There's also the patient side of you that I really appreciate, especially after the trip to the Grand Canon that I assured you two was only a couple of hours. You could still manage a little smile for me (unlike someone else).
The way you are almost always willing to humor Kevin. Here you all are learning songs and moves from LLD. You do know that he thinks you walk on water, don't you?
I'm still amazed at your many talents, like building this boat!
Taking time to stop and smell the cactus.
Now, here is one of my favorite memories, you getting to play sheriff at Bonnie Springs. It was so much fun to watch you squirm with embarrassment. Although I still feel bad for the guy you had hanged!
Then of course there is the time we took you to Fremont Street and we had to carry you home after this drink . . . after all you finished Nicole's too! Now you know I'm just kidding right? I would never carry you home after too much partying . . . I just left you laying in the street;)
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