Monday, September 20, 2010

One of Calvin's Finds

EDITED TO ADD: Mark I guess I left out the most important feature . . . it's powered by steam!
Mark, this one's for you!! Aren't you lucky that your father-in-law has nothing better to do than driving around looking for projects for you. Of course then your MIL needs to go out a grab a quick shot of the project so it can be blog about. Lucky Lucky you.Any way here is Calvin's fabulous idea . . . you can fix this up and then give tours on Whatcom Lake. Doesn't that sound like so much fun, and lucky you it just happens to be for sale. I know you are going to jump right on this idea just let us know when you will arrive so we can meet you plane.

Don't you just feel soooo blessed?

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Pawn Stars

Seems like every one we know has been wondering if we've ever been here. Well, thanks to you all, now we have. Must say if you've been inside on pawn shop you've been inside all pawn shops!!

Except for the little notes we seen on some items . . . saying they could not be sold until after such and such date as that was when the show aired.

Saturday, September 11, 2010