This is all the items I've pre-bought for out trip, nothing like being prepared, huh?
The cups are very cool they have buttons that you push that allows the drink to flow, so there should be minimal spills. Then there are the containers for snacks, floaters for the Michael, swim socks for Isa and Michael, a very cool swim vest for Isa and goggles for Kevin, a swim hat for Kai, and a towel dress for Nicole.
Here's the towel dress laid out I know it sounds weird, but trust me it's cute.
Here are some of the things for entertainment on the drive and then some of it is what will be brought back to Sib's who don't get to go this time (I think I've already figured out a trip for Casey).
This is a close up of the head band for little miss. The one thing Nicole and I discovered when we got back from WDW last time was, things were less expensive at the Disney Store and they were the same things that they had a WDW. I'm thinking ahead a bit this time.
This is the Handy Manny pillow that Michael will be using to nap with on the way down, then he will "buy" one for each of his brother's when we get there!
Oh, a good time will be had by all.
This Meemaw can hardly wait!!!